
Achieving our goals and dreams is fantastic but that’s not the most important thing about setting goals.
The most important thing is the type of person that we become along the way.

We will go into these in depth later but it’s worth thinking about some initial goals. Treat this as a buffet where you choose what you think looks tastiest.
I can guarantee that after your first race, you will be adding some of these to your plate.

–        Volunteering at a race

–        Entering your first race

–        Actually turning up at the first race (Not the same as entering 😐 )

–        Finishing your first race

–        Hitting a certain time target

–        Improving your time

–        Racing with friends

–        Beating your friends (you are getting hooked)

–        Beating other people

–        Training with Friends

–        Having Fun

–        Getting Fitter

–        Feeling better about yourself

–        Joining a community and meeting new people

–        Publishing your times (Ouch. You’ve got it bad now)

–        Writing articles

–        Writing a book (You are a lost cause)

Activity: Record your initial set of Goals

– It’s fine to select Goals from this list
– You can add detail later
– If you have detailed Goals then put them in now 🙂

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